How To Make Napkin Wrapped Easter Eggs
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I had so much fun making these napkin wrapped Easter eggs with the ladies of Sarasota’s Suncoast View. Want to make some of your own? If I can do it, anybody can. Your friends and family will be amazed at your talent and only you will know just how easy these Easter eggs really were!

When I was invited recently to be on Sarasota’s Suncoast View for a segment on decorating Easter eggs, I knew I had to make something good. It was my first ever TV appearance and I was pretty nervous, especially since I’m a big fan of the show! I needed a decorating idea that was different, fun and above all, easy to make.
I’d discovered these napkin eggs awhile back on Pinterest and have been dying to make them for myself. I didn’t know how complicated they would be so I was skeptical about being able to use them for my segment. I was so surprised to find out that they were a lot easier than I expected.
How To Make Napkin Wrapped Easter Eggs
It was fun picking out the designs for this project and I ended up with so many napkins that I had to put some back. These were my favorites:

Start by cutting your napkin into rectangles (mine were approximately 6 x 4 1/2). Next, cut the corners. I also found it helped when wrapping the egg if I had two cuts in the napkin (see photo)

Separate the front and back of the napkin. This is optional but I did it both ways and thought it looked better when the napkin was thinner. (Don’t worry about my finger. That’s just red dye from the project I did right before this one…that stuff takes FOREVER to wash off!)

Now paint the front of your egg with Modge Podge. (I’ve also seen people put the napkin on the egg and paint over it with eggs white, probably a better idea if you plan to eat it later).

Place the napkin on the egg and smooth it from the center out. Don’t worry if you can’t smooth every little wrinkle. With the egg being shaped the way it is, it’s hard to avoid a few wrinkles. One thing I found is that the busier the pattern on the napkin, the less noticable the wrinkles seem to be.

Paint on more modge podge as you go and work your way around to the back. As you seal the back, use scissors to cut off the excess napkin.

Voila, you have a beautiful napkin wrapped Easter egg! These are so pretty for an Easter tree or as part of your tablescape for Easter brunch.

I absolutely love the way these turned out and can’t wait to try more patterns!

Thankfully my irrational fear of showing up to the Suncoast View taping with a basket full of broken eggs never actually happened! The eggs turned out beautifully and it was a lot of fun.

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Let’s be friends!
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