How To Pack For A Cruise (With Free Printable Checklist)
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Trying to decide how to pack for a cruise? There’s a lot to remember but this free printable packing checklist will make it easy for you!

My family and I are beyond excited! We are about to go on our first Disney cruise together! I went on one for Disney SMMC earlier this year but due to the timing, my girls and hubby couldn’t go. Needless to say my girls were not happy but I’m finally getting the chance to make it up to them. I can’t wait for us to share this experience together! We’re counting down the days and dreaming of amazing waterslides and Castaway Cay!

I’m not so excited about packing though. We all know that moms do most of the work when it comes to vacations and I have a lot of packing to think about. Usually when I’m planning for a trip, I keep a piece of paper by my computer and start jotting things down as I think of them. I start a week or two before so that I’m not racking my brain the night before we leave, trying to make sure I don’t forget anything important. This time I’ve decided to get a little more organized about it and I’m making a checklist that I can use for future trips too.
How To Pack For A Cruise
This first checklist is all about how to pack for a cruise. It’s a general list so if you’re going on a Disney cruise, you’ll need a few extras. For starters, you’ll want Pirate Costumes because there’s a Pirate Night on every Disney cruise. I didn’t know this last time and was wishing that I had at least an eyepatch (or better yet, a chest of gold!). You’ll also want to bring autograph books for the Disney character meet and greets. Since ours is a Halloween cruise, we’ll also be bringing our Halloween costumes.
Free Printable Cruise Checklist
If you have toddlers, you may also want to remember their favorite blankie, toy or sippy cups. Have a baby? Well, you’ll probably need a whole separate list!
One important thing to know…
You’ll want to bring a carry-on bag for the first day of your cruise. There will be several hours where you don’t have access to your luggage so you’ll need to carry on your most important items. Your carry-on bag should have your important documents like passports and other ID, prescription medications, camera, wine or beer if you’re bringing it (it’s not allowed in checked baggage) and any valuables. If you want to hang by the pool, be sure to throw in your bathing suits and sunscreen.
I’m so glad to have this list to go by because it’s going to save me a lot of time. Are you a regular cruiser? Is there anything that I’ve forgotten to include?
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